Posted in writing

To Publish or Not!

Hello! Here I am, back to my blog. So much has happened to everyone during the last year. Our worldviews changed dramatically, and we expanded to take in so many new changes.

My writing mojo took a hit, and I felt out of whack, not being able to write much. As a result, the traditional publishing house put my book’s publication on hold. My agent decided we should take another genre route, and things happened around his family life as well, so I was left sans contract and agent!

Of course, the global virus and the changing of most people’s lives to survive health-wise and emotionally were in the background of my drama. The chaos we were all thrown into because of it! We all changed.

But the idea my agent left in me (hopefully we will be reunited soon, like a happy ending for a couple of lovers that were tragically separated! *sob!* I know, I am a ham!), is taking hold. I am pondering at the moment which route to take, self-published? (not my cup of tea) traditional publisher (yes, please, but hard to obtain; read above; they seem to be fickle, plus you need an agent to get through their doors) or maybe start fundraising? Which will help me self-publish. *sigh.*

In hopes of finding a solution, I have made myself a cup of tea (yum!) and decided to contemplate my options while writing this post. So, where was I pre-covid19? On the verge of signing a contract for my children’s book. With a brand new agent. Now that is gone. Family and friends urge me to go self-published. A few say try traditional, my agent is saying to wait for him, and I am in a quandary.

In the meantime, I am picking up where I left off, re-writing and self-editing my mystery novel. (Thanks to my agent’s idea or, hmm, ex-agent? I don’t know!) but continue on the saga of the young heroine of my children’s book. I am adding a lovely picture of the cover draft the budding and excellent artist did for me for some of the artwork. This was done at the beginning when we were coming up with ideas for the cover. I am leaning towards using this cover work, but it is dependent on whether it is published then yes. Traditional publishers tend to have their in-house artists.

Art Work by Y. Dori P. (c) 2018-2021

This is where I am. Trying to get inspiration going, getting my writing mojo back, also trying to decide what to do about my literary work. I have also been reading a lot! Catching up on it really, as I was busy with work (yes, starving writers still need to work for a living!) and finishing up my English Masters, because why not!?

What am I reading at the moment?

The Department of Sensitive Crimes by Alexander McCall Smith. I have watched the T.V. show which was based on his book series “The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency.” I thought it was lovely. Now I am reading this new series from him. I love a good mystery, it is a bit slow, but I like it so far. I am barely in the first 16 pages.

“Full Dark House” by Christopher Fowler. This is the first in the series of “A Peculiar Crimes Unit Mystery.” I actually started with the “White Corridor” which comes after 4 books in, and I liked it enough to buy the first book.

Reading up several Youth books by Karen Cushman, I cannot write children’s books without reading up on other children’s authors! Her books are so lovely, historical settings, girl heroines, funny, and so well researched. What is not to like? I recommend her, adults can read these books and love the settings and admire the young heroines. I read “Catherine Called Birdy” a long time ago, finding the book by a happy coincidence and ever since then I am a fan.

I will not bore you with my current reading list, enough to say is a long list, but those are the one I spend more time reading.

What is coming up for me? I will be writing more on this blog (promise!) I will bug you more with my cogitations, and will keep you posted on my publishing journey.

Until I write again! 🙂


Visit the artist page! This is her Instagram page: